Used technologies

FlexG3 has been developed using the most advanced tools and technologies available to ensure high product development efficiency and stability. The solution is implemented in the PHP scripting language using AJAX technology. On the server side, FlexG3 is designed and developed for deployment with an Oracle database server.


Operating system (OS)

Preferovaný serverový operačný systém je GNU/Linux. Flex-IS má praktické skúsenosti s implementáciami na nasledovných OS:

  • Ubuntu Linux
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux
  • Oracle Linux
  • Oracle Solaris

Aplikačný server je vhodné prevádzkovať na niektorej z kontajnerizačných technológií – Flex-IS má skúsenosti s prevádzkou Docker.
Takisto je možné, napr. pri riešeniach s vysokou záťažou, implementovať aplikačnú časť do Kubernetes klastra.


HTTP server (Webserver)

Štandardne sa používa pre implementácie riešenie na báze FlexG3 webový server Apache. Principiálne je ale možné použiť ľubovoľný iný webový server s podporou PHP.

Flex-IS má praktické skúsenosti s implementáciami na nasledovných webových serveroch :

  • Apache
  • Nginx (ako reverzný proxy server)


Scripting language (Engine)

FlexG3 is built in the server-side scripting language PHP, and the code can be optionally compiled for security and increased execution speed by the interpreter. The use of other types of scripting languages is possible, but it is conditioned by the installation of libraries necessary for the interpretation of a specific scripting language.

JavaScript Remote Scripting (JSRS) technology is used to perform database operations without the need to submit the form (refresh page). It is a client-side JavaScript library that uses Dynamic HTML (DHTML) elements to make hidden calls to server-side scripts.


Database system

Depending on the performance version, the primary database system used by the FlexG3 (Core) core is either Personal Oracle (Basic) or Oracle Standard Edition (Lite and WorkGroup) or Oracle Enterprise Edition (Enterprise Edition) connected via native drivers. Of course, any systems connectable from PHP via native drivers (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Sybase alebo) or via the universal ODBC data interface can be used as a data source.


Standard configuration

The standard configuration used to implement FlexG3-based solutions is as follows:

Server (HW): Intel X86 CPU server

Operačný systém: GNU/Linux

Kontajnerizačná technológia: Docker

Webový server s PHP: Apache

Reverzné proxy: Apache/Nginx

Skriptovací jazyk: AJAX, JSRS

Databázový systém: Oracle

Spravidla bývajú použité samostatné technické prostriedky (počítačové servery) pre webový (aplikačný) a databázový server. Webový server je samozrejme publikovaný na verejnom internete a k databázovému serveru umiestnenému za firewallom pristupuje len cez vyhradené porty.

Thanks to the selected technologies and the means used in its development, deployment and operation, FlexG3 is a modernly designed information system that is stable and reliable for even the most demanding deployments.
